Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Benefits of Eating Chocolates

The impact of chocolate’s luxurious taste on the senses has been compared to the feeling of falling in love. In the 18th century, French doctors prescribed chocolate to women patients for a broken heart.

To those who love chocolates—and those who are not fond of chocolates—did you know that chocolate has medicinal values and health benefits?

Chocolate as Medication

Studies have shown that chocolate triggers the release of feel-good endorphins (natural opiates) in the brain. Researchers at Neurosciences Institute in San Diego, California, have reported that chocolate contains pharmacologically active substances that have the same effect on the brain as marijuana.

Chocolate also contains:

  • Theobromine (a mild stimulant)
  • Phenylethylamine

These substances can increase the levels of endorphins. Scientists believe the combination of such chemicals may provide the “high” (in addition to, of course, the aroma, taste and texture).

Health Benefits of Chocolate

Chocolate is a significant source of essential nutrients such as:

  • Magnesium 
  • Zinc 

Chocolate also contains very high levels of catechins—compounds that act as antioxidants. Just 25g of dark chocolate contains as much as 41mg of flavanols—the powerful antioxidants that guard against plaque build-up in artery walls. That’s more antioxidants than a cup of green tea, an apple, or a glass of red wine.

Other Benefits of Eating Chocolates:

  • Processed fatty foods better 

Chocolate may have long-term health benefits—but, you also have to limit your intake and you have to pair it with healthy diet and healthy lifestyle.

Chocolate can be included in a healthy diet, as long as you are active and are having plenty of fruit and vegetables. To obtain the benefits without adding too much fat to your diet, limit yourself to 25g a day—and savor the flavor. The dark variety has the highest cocoa content—so look for at least 70% cocoa solids.

ChocTalk, p.140 Reader’s Digest February 2008
Burn Fat by Eating Chocolate, p.71 Reader’s Digest August 2008

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