Constipation refers to difficult bowel movement. It is usually the infrequent passage of feces which are unduly hard and dry.
Probable Causes
- No regular bowel movement
- Improper diet (low fiber with very little fluid intake)
- Intestinal obstructions
- Tumors
- Excessive use of laxatives or cathartics
- Weakness of intestinal muscles
- Use of certain drugs
- Presence of lesions in the anus
- Worry
- Anxiety
- Fear
- Sedentary lifestyle (lack of physical activity)
Probable Symptoms
- Uneasiness
- Indisposition
- Lower abdominal pain
- Headache
- Coated tongue
- Foul breath
- Lack of appetite
Note: These symptoms usually disappear after satisfactory defecation has taken place.
Helpful Dietary Management
- Eat a high-fiber diet.
- Drink milk and plenty of water. (See The Importance of Water)
- Make every meal time a relaxed experience. Do not eat when under the influence of strong emotion such as hatred, fear and worry.
Reference: Healing Wonders of Diet Effective Guide to Diet Therapy p.26 & 27 © 2003 Philippine Publishing House ISBN 971-581-013-6
Herbal laxatives such also are good choice!